When calculating your debt to income ratio, you first add up all of your monthly minimum debt payments and then divide that by your gross monthly income. Your potential future mortgage payment is put into that ratio.

Then say your monthly gross income before taxes and deductions is $5000. To calculate your DTI, you would divide $1500 (your monthly debt) by $5000 (your monthly income). This equals 30%. So that means your DTI is 30%. ($1500/$5000 = .300 or 30%).
Typically to qualify for a mortgage, you don't want your debt to income ratio to exceed 43%. In some cases, with some loan programs, you could qualify with a higher DTI. It is important to note that to qualify for a higher DTI you must have compensating factors. These factors include a great credit score, a steady employment history, and a nice amount of savings. I would advise to keep 43% in your mind as a qualifying DTI until getting pre-approved at a higher amount from your lender.
I have outlined the highest possible qualifying DTI ratios below for each loan program.
VA Loans: the highest possible DTI is 60%. (only a possibility with a credit score greater than 660)
FHA Loans: the highest possible DTI is 50% (only a possibility with a credit score greater than 620)
USDA Loans: the highest possible DTI is 43%
Conventional Loans: the highest possible DTI is 45%
Jumbo Loans: the highest possible DTI is 43%
Delaware's First Time Home Buyer Program - highest possible DTI is 45% (660 credit score required for this program).
During a pre-approval we will ask what your desired purchase price and monthly payment is, and see if you can qualify for that. We can also show you what your max would be, which is determined by your DTI. This will help us provide affordable estimates to you that will show you what your payments would look like.
You don't have to figure how much you could qualify for alone. Please reach out to us at anytime.
Are you in need of a loan? Do you want to pay off your bills? Do you want to be financially stable? All you have to do is to contact us for more information on how to get started and get the loan you desire. This offer is open to all that will be able to repay back in due time. Note-that repayment time frame is negotiable and at interest rate of 3% just email us creditloan11@gmail.com